
Termin: 28. Februar 2024, 10:30-16:30 Uhr
Ort: Universität Wien, AECC Physik, 3.
Stock - Seminarraum 5




10:30 Begrüßung

10:45 Design research in science education

Prof. Dr. Arthur BAKKER, University of Amsterdam, Research Centre for Curriculum Studies (RCCS)

Educational research tends to be about how education was or is. But what if we want to solve an educational problem or realize a dream? Design education is about education as it could or should be. It aims to transform education by design potential solutions while researching these, as a proof of principle how this can be achieved. In this talk, Bakker first provides a methodological and philosophical background to this approach. Then he addresses several commonly experienced challenges and how these can be overcome.

12:15 Perspektive der Physikdidaktik in Österreich

13:15 Mittagspause (für Verpflegung wird gesorgt)

13:45 Posterpräsentationen I (Ungerade Posternummern)

14:45 Pause

15:15 Posterpräsentationen II (Gerade Posternummern)

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